Peru (Pagna 1/4)
Li jmiss

Muri Bhalissa: Peru - Bolol tal-posta (2020 - 2025) - 188 bolol.

[The 50th Anniversary (2019) of the Ministry of Transport & Communications, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2866 CLT 1.20S 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
2866 0.81 - 0.81 - USD 
2020 The 25th Anniversary (2019) of SERPOST

2. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 25th Anniversary (2019) of SERPOST, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2867 CLU 3.60S 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
2867 1.90 - 1.90 - USD 
2020 Christmas 2019

3. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Christmas 2019, Tip CLV]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2868 CLV 3.60S 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
2020 Definitives - Birds of Peru

13. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Definitives - Birds of Peru, Tip CLW] [Definitives - Birds of Peru, Tip CLX]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2869 CLW 1.20S 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
2870 CLX 2.60S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2869‑2870 2.44 - 2.44 - USD 
2020 Definitives - Flowers of Peru

13. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Definitives - Flowers of Peru, Tip CLY] [Definitives - Flowers of Peru, Tip CLZ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2871 CLY 3.60S 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
2872 CLZ 4.00S 2.17 - 2.17 - USD  Info
2871‑2872 4.07 - 4.07 - USD 
2020 Definitive - Head Sculpture, Chavin

13. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Definitive - Head Sculpture, Chavin, Tip CMA]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2873 CMA 10.00S 5.42 - 5.42 - USD  Info
2020 Definitive - Machu Picchu

13. January WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Definitive - Machu Picchu, Tip CMB]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2874 CMB 20.00S 10.83 - 10.83 - USD  Info
[The 100th Anniversary (2019) of the Archaeological and Anthropological Museum, San Marcos University, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2875 CMC 10S 5.42 - 5.42 - USD  Info
2875 5.42 - 5.42 - USD 
[The 120th Anniversary (2019) of the First Japanese Immigration to Peru, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2876 CMD 7.60S 4.06 - 4.06 - USD  Info
2876 4.06 - 4.06 - USD 
[The 500th Anniversary (2019) of the Death of Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2877 CME 4S 2.17 - 2.17 - USD  Info
2877 2.17 - 2.17 - USD 
2020 The 20th Anniversary (2019) of the UPU EMS Services

3. February WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 20th Anniversary (2019) of the UPU EMS Services, Tip CMF]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2878 CMF 2.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2020 International Year (2019) of Indigenous Languages

6. February WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[International Year (2019) of Indigenous Languages, Tip CMG]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2879 CMG 2.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
[The 150th Anniversary (2019) of the Birth of Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2880 CMH 10S 5.42 - 5.42 - USD  Info
2880 5.42 - 5.42 - USD 
2020 Day of Latin American Integration

17. February WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Day of Latin American Integration, Tip CMI]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2881 CMI 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2020 America UPAEP 2019 Issue - Typical Meals

20. February WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[America UPAEP 2019 Issue - Typical Meals, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2882 CMJ 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2883 CMK 7.60S 3.79 - 3.79 - USD  Info
2882‑2883 4.33 - 4.33 - USD 
2882‑2883 4.33 - 4.33 - USD 
2020 Chinese New Year 2019 - Year of the Pig

24. February WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Chinese New Year 2019 - Year of the Pig, Tip CML]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2884 CML 10.00S 4.33 - 4.33 - USD  Info
2020 Prominent Peruvian Patriots

28. February WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Prominent Peruvian Patriots, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2885 CMM 3.60S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2886 CMN 3.60S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2887 CMO 3.60S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2888 CMP 3.60S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2885‑2888 6.50 - 6.50 - USD 
2885‑2888 6.52 - 6.52 - USD 
2020 Tourism - Moquegua

6. March WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13½

[Tourism - Moquegua, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2889 CMQ 3.60S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2890 CMR 3.60S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2889‑2890 3.25 - 3.25 - USD 
2889‑2890 3.26 - 3.26 - USD 
[The 30th Anniversary (2019) of the  Machu Picchu Antarctic Research Station, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2891 CMS 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2891 0.05 - 0.54 - USD 
2021 The 1st Anniversary of the Death of Javier Perez de Cuellar, 1920-2020

2. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Marco Antonio Quispe Yalli Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 1st Anniversary of the Death of Javier Perez de Cuellar, 1920-2020, Tip CMT]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2892 CMT 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2021 The 200th Anniversary of the Ministry of Foreign Relations

2. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Marco Antonio Quispe Yalli Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Tip CMU]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2893 CMU 4S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2021 The 200th Anniversary of the Peruvian Navy

6. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Jorge Anci Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary of the Peruvian Navy, Tip CMV]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2894 CMV 4S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2021 The 100th Anniversary of the Bruning National Archaeological Museum

9. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Marco Antonio Quispe Yalli Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 100th Anniversary of the Bruning National Archaeological Museum, Tip CMW]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2895 CMW 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2021 The 50th Anniversary of COFIDE

12. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 50th Anniversary of COFIDE, Tip CMX]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2896 CMX 2.60S 1.08 - 1.08 - USD  Info
2021 The 200th Anniversary of Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity

15. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Grand Lodge of Peru Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary of Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity, Tip CMY]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2897 CMY 2.60S 1.08 - 1.08 - USD  Info
2021 The 200th Anniversary of the National Library of Peru

16. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary of the National Library of Peru, Tip CMZ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2898 CMZ 4S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2021 The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence

21. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Marco Antonio Quispe Yalli Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CNA] [The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CNB] [The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CNC] [The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CND] [The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CNE] [The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CNF] [The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CNG] [The 200th Anniversary Towards Independence, Tip CNH]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2899 CNA 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2900 CNB 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2901 CNC 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2902 CND 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2903 CNE 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2904 CNF 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2905 CNG 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2906 CNH 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2899‑2906 7.56 - 7.56 - USD 
2021 The 200th Anniversary of the Flag of Peru

23. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Marco Antonio Quispe Yalli Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary of the Flag of Peru, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2907 CNI 1.20S 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
2908 CNJ 2.60S 1.08 - 1.08 - USD  Info
2909 CNK 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2910 CNL 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2911 CNM 4.00S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2907‑2911 6.50 - 6.50 - USD 
2907‑2911 5.95 - 5.95 - USD 
2021 The 200th Anniversary of the Coat of Arms of Peru

23. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Marco Antonio Quispe Yalli Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary of the Coat of Arms of Peru, Tip ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2912 CNN 2.60S 1.08 - 1.08 - USD  Info
2913 CNO 3.60S 1.35 - 1.35 - USD  Info
2914 CNP 4.00S 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2912‑2914 4.06 - 4.06 - USD 
2912‑2914 4.06 - 4.06 - USD 
2021 The 200th Anniversary of the Landing of the Liberation Army at Paracas

30. July WM: Xejn Disinn: Jorge Anci Perforazzjoni: 13½

[The 200th Anniversary of the Landing of the Liberation Army at Paracas, Tip CNQ]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
2915 CNQ 7.60S 2.71 - 2.71 - USD  Info


Mis sena

Sa sena




